Calling the North American Traffic and Awards net. This is ______ (your callsign), my name is _____ and I am located in the state of _______.
The NATA net is a DX and worked-all-states net. We welcome all licensed amateur radio operators of General class and above, to join in the net for the purpose of making contacts to earn various operating awards.
The net is available for real-time monitoring and logging through the NET LOGGER software available at netlogger dot org . For more information on our net, please visit our website at natanet dot info.
Participants are asked to upload log entries to LOTW-Logbook of The World, EQSL, or QRZ. We also highly encourage you to exchange QSL cards.
This is a DIRECTED NET. Please do not transmit or relay on air unless asked to do so by net control. Check-in and other relay info is BEST provided to NCS through the AIM chat on Net Logger. This is _____ (your callsign). Are there any stations with written emergency, priority, or time sensitive traffic at this time?
(pause for anything then move on)
Are there any stations with announcements or questions before we start? (pause for anything then move on)
Then let’s get started! Tonight’s net will be run as a…
Normal Net with 2 contacts per person
Wild Card Night – 1 contact per person then hand off to a station of your choosing
Grab-n-Get Night – All stations go up for grabs and claim 2 contacts
Other: (describe the special you are running)
This concludes this session of The North American Traffic and Awards NET. We would like to thank everyone that participated in the net and invite you all to join us again tomorrow at this same time.
We ask again that all net participant upload their log entries to, LOTW, EQSL and QRZ as soon as possible after the net in order to help those working for awards.
Is the OMISS net control on frequency? (listen for reply, acknowledge them, then continue)
WE NOW TURN THIS FREQUENCY OVER TO THE OMISS NET. Good night and thanks for being here! 73 to all, this is (your callsign) clear.